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And Now We Are 5! Happy Birthday, Poly Land!

·1140 words·6 mins

Wow, the day actually came. Happy 5th birthday, Poly Land. Yup, it’s official. I’ve been posting daily to this website for 5 years now. Wild, right?

As I write this post, there are not only over 2000 posts on this website, I’ve also put out 5 books:

First up is the Psychic State series, murder mysteries with strong female leads that feature a large ensemble cast of polyamorous/kinky characters (first 2 titles are out, but I’ve written the first 4, the next two are at my editor, and I’m currently writing the first draft of #5)

I also have put out two polyamory how-to books. One is a beginner’s quickstart guide for people who are looking to form triads, full of geeky jokes (geared more towards couples opening up because there are a lot of them and most of the stuff people tell them isn’t helpful).

My other polyamory how-to book, Dealing with Difficult Metamours, is more intermediate/advanced material (although I guess beginners and non-polyamorous people have found the interpersonal advice helpful). It helps troubleshoot situations in which people in polyamorous relationships aren’t getting along. There’s a whole discussion guide with questions you can actually work through together with your partners and metamours (partners’ other partners).

And finally there’s Poly Land, a brutally honest memoir about the first two years when I was polyamorous and had no idea what I was doing (and neither did anyone around me).

And quite recently I launched Miracle Workers, a serial on Kindle Vella (which is also available via Poly Land’s Patreon if you don’t do Amazon). Polyamorous angels? Yes please. It’s been doing REALLY well, which makes me terribly happy. That series is active and ongoing, with a new episode every Sunday (episodes are approximately 2000 words long, and there will be 40+ episodes in this series).

“What the heck is Vella?” a few of you have asked me. Briefly put, it’s a very new serial fiction platform where stories are told one short episode at a time. It’s accessible at the current moment via browser and iOS app. (I have an Android phone so I read Vella stories using Chrome.) It’s been really fun being part of launch — and I’m happy to say that my little story has spent some time in the top 100 (there are over 9000 serials on the platform) and even ranked #2 for #angels. Huzzah!

Thank you so much for being part of the Poly Land Project! I talked about this in greater detail in last year’s birthday post, but there were MANY times when I felt like giving up — and remembering you folks kept me going. So it’s your birthday, too, today. Happy birthday to us all!

As I do every year, I will now share our list of the most popular content from the past year.

Poly.Land’s Top 10 Most Popular Posts (9/1/2020 – 8/31/2021) #

  1. Can You Learn to Thrive in Polyamorous Relationship Systems if Polyamory Isn’t Natural for You?
  2. Why It’s Easy for Well-Meaning Polyamorous People to Engage in Sneakiarchy
  3. What’s an Anchor Partner?
  4. “Stop Texting to See Who Your Friends Are” Is Just Relationship Testing
  5. On Having to Repeat Yourself When Your Partner Feels Loved Via Words of Affirmation
  6. When You Realize Your Partner Is Lurking in Your Relationship
  7. When Your Two Boyfriends “Well, Actually” Each Other
  8. Once Upon a Time, I Dated the Couple from Hell
  9. I Learned A Lot About Reconnecting in Polyamory from BDSM Aftercare
  10. When You Outgrow Your Relationship Agreement, It’s a Kind of Success

My 10 Favorite Posts That Didn’t Make the Previous List

  1. Being Constantly Told to Shut Up When You’re a Kid Sticks With You
  2. The Hardest Part Is the Moment When I Want to Text You But Know I Can’t
  3. How to Set Boundaries Without Hurting People
  4. Shouldn’t It Be Enough That I Didn’t Like Who I Was When I Was With You?
  5. Sometimes It’s Your Clear Sky, Other Times It’s Theirs
  6. What Is Proto-Abuse? (as well as its part 2 — When You’re Worried that a Relationship Will Bring Out the Worst Side of You)
  7. When Someone Blows Your Entire “Conflict Budget”
  8. The Biggest Relationship Green Flag There Is
  9. That Moment When Someone Has Hurt You But Doesn’t Realize & You Have to Tell Them
  10. Being Able to Be Goofy with Someone Is a Form of Intimacy


For previous years’ lists, please see the following posts:

What’s Up Next?

What’s up next? What is my 5-year plan now that I have 5 years under my belt? Could it be… 5 more years?

Oh my goodness, I think I just hurt myself by imagining doing all that work at once. The good news here is that I won’t have to. The work happens a bit at a time. The important thing is to just keep going.

As I mentioned above, the next 2 Psychic State books are with my editor, and I’m currently writing the 5th one. So you’ll be able to look forward to more in that series and from those characters. All told, it’s going to be a long project (at the current time I have plotted character arcs for 15 books in the series).

I’ll continue to blog here! Currently, I’m still on a daily posting schedule — which is kind of mind blowing to me. I started daily blogging the same time as several friends, and at the time, I didn’t know if I’d make it a month. (Most of my friends dropped out after day 4.)

At the request of a local organization, I’ve also started teaching writing classes. I’ve written a bit more about that over on Patreon. It’s been stressful trying to find the time to develop the class material (tips for kicking writer’s block, outlining methods, building a social media following for writers, how to write your life story, character development, etc.) — but I’m finding the job very fulfilling — and my students and the organization tell me I’m good at it. Huzzah!

If there’s enough interest, I might think about teaching writing online as well. I love helping creators find their voices and their audiences. I’d have to say that my favorite part of teaching writing, however, is when I work with a student, and they’re VERY good at a certain aspect of writing but have no idea — and I get to tell them how talented they are in this one specific way. Their face lights up. It’s wonderful.

But yeah! It’s definitely been a busy 5 years. I’ve learned so much about myself from writing — and from all of you.

Thank you for making the Poly Land project a success! Happy birthday to us.


Page Turner


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