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PQ Series


PQ 22.5 — Have I ever spread bitterness in the community or set people against each other by taking sides or by not keeping confidences?
·2029 words·10 mins
PQ Series Writing
Polyamory Toolbox: Mother-In-Law Boundaries
·985 words·5 mins
PQ Series
PQ 22.3 — When a partner’s relationship ends, what can I do to prevent myself from taking sides or being drawn into the conflict?
·503 words·3 mins
PQ Series
PQ 22.2 — If a relationship ends, what does that mean for my other partners? Will I try to promote one of them to primary?
·1129 words·6 mins
PQ Series
PQ 22.1 — How do I approach the end of my relationships? What do I want from my former partners?
·1171 words·6 mins
PQ Series
PQ 21.7 — Do I let problems in the relationships around me affect me? How do I assert boundaries around problems that aren’t mine?
·944 words·5 mins
PQ Series
PQ 21.6 — Do I have problems that make it difficult for my partners to be with me? How do I seek to mitigate those?
·429 words·3 mins
PQ Series
PQ 21.5 — Can I respond to change in my relationship with grace?
·716 words·4 mins
PQ Series
PQ 21.4 — In what ways do I care for myself? How do I care for the people around me?
·346 words·2 mins
PQ Series
PQ 21.3 — Are there things I absolutely require in a relationship, and do I communicate those things?
·581 words·3 mins
PQ Series