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Monogamy After Polyamory: When You Can’t Go Home Again
·1408 words·7 mins
Advice Friend Ambiamory Polyamory/Monogamy
It’s Easy to Underestimate the Number of Pro-Polyamory Monogamous People Out There
·1207 words·6 mins
Polyamory/Monogamy Psyched for the Weekend
3 Reasons Why I Prefer to Call It Consensual Non-Monogamy
·707 words·4 mins
Advice Friend Lists Polyamory


What Is Polyfidelity?
·851 words·4 mins
Advice Friend Polyamory
“When a Metamour Resents My Existence, I Feel My Compersion Begin to Die”
·1225 words·6 mins
Advice Friend Polyamory
Potato Rock Revelations, Or When You Learn Something New About Someone You’ve Known a Long Time
·965 words·5 mins
I Have an Extreme, Possibly Irrational, Hatred of Online Dating
·2711 words·13 mins
An Open Letter to a Conservative, Sex-Negative Mother From Her Bisexual, Polyamorous Daughter
·1516 words·8 mins
Bisexuality Polyamory Relationships
Loving Multiple People Is Like Having More Channels on Your TV
·2705 words·13 mins
Being the Last One to Know Can Feel Humiliating
·2140 words·11 mins
Polyamory Relationships