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Bisexuality, Islands of Desire, and Invisible Polyamory
·496 words·3 mins
Polyamory Sexual Orientation
Who Shouldn’t Be Polyamorous?
·1318 words·7 mins
Guest Blog Post Polyamory
PQ 11.2 — Are there specific assets, commitments or people (such as children) I am seeking to protect with a hierarchy? Can I imagine other avenues for achieving that protection?
·432 words·3 mins
Polyamory PQ Series
Cyrano de Metamour: When Kind Gestures Are a Group Effort
·567 words·3 mins
People Are Microcultures: The Ideal Relationship Is Relative
·478 words·3 mins
Polyamory Relationships
I Opened This Door. What If I Lose My Partner?
·445 words·3 mins
Polyamory Relationships
Poly Shame Spiral: Swimming Through Water and Yelling at Ourselves for Getting Wet
·430 words·3 mins
Polyamory Relationships
Polyamorous Middle Child Syndrome: Being in the Second Oldest Relationship
·324 words·2 mins
Everything I Know About Polyamory, I Learned as a Gigging Musician
·554 words·3 mins
Crushing on People in Monogamous Relationships: The Cacti of Tantalus
·358 words·2 mins
Polyamory Polyamory/Monogamy