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Mental Health


Practicing Gratitude Can Be as Simple as Finding a Patch of Sunlit Rug
·361 words·2 mins
Mental Health
There’s Nothing to Do — and at the Same Time Too Much
·333 words·2 mins
Mental Health Survival


When in Doubt, I Thank My Anxiety.
·392 words·2 mins
Mental Health
Sometimes You Have to Do the Thing You Hate Doing Because You Know It’ll Make You Feel Better
·596 words·3 mins
Mental Health Survival
I Can’t Pretend I Have It All Together & Don’t Understand How Other People Can
·346 words·2 mins
Mental Health Survival
“You’re Just Jealous”: When Being Open About Your Insecurities Causes Partners to Assume You’re Concern Trolling
·1126 words·6 mins
Communication Mental Health Polyamory
When You’ve Been Attention Starved for So Long, You’re in Danger of Over-Indulging
·408 words·2 mins
Mental Health Survival
It’s Unfair to Compare Someone Else’s Public Best to Your Private Worst
·326 words·2 mins
Mental Health
The Stories We Tell Ourselves Matter
·321 words·2 mins
Mental Health Relationships Survival
What Will You Lose If You Fix Certain “Problems?”
·407 words·2 mins
Mental Health Self Improvement