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When One Partner Wants to Have Important Relationship Discussions Via Text & the Other Wants to Have Them in Person
·913 words·5 mins
Communication Relationships
“I Just Want to Talk About It to Prove to Myself I Can”
·366 words·2 mins
Communication Relationships
Forgiveness Doesn’t Have to Look Like Forgiveness to the Person You’re Forgiving
·902 words·5 mins
I’m Not Always Good at Forgiveness — But I Want to Be
·2364 words·12 mins
Communication Relationships
I’m Sorry for Saying Sorry Too Much… Errr… Damn!
·1076 words·6 mins
Knowing Your Partner Is Most Important, Regardless of Exactly HOW You Get That Information
·1741 words·9 mins
Communication Relationships
Is It Really Interrupting… Or Is It Cooperative Overlap?
·1120 words·6 mins
Communication Psyched for the Weekend
The 5 Apology Styles
·1060 words·5 mins
Communication Relationships


People Are Very Devoted to Their Preferred Fight Labels
·580 words·3 mins
The Perils of Talking Over Your Relationship Issues With Other People
·1128 words·6 mins
Communication Relationships