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PQ 13.3 — What are my existing commitments? How can I meet them while still making room for new relationships?

·341 words·2 mins
PQ Series

PQ 13.3 — What are my existing commitments? How can I meet them while still making room for new relationships?


I’ll admit it. There are days when I feel like I’m playing Tetris with only the top few lines open. Trying to spin those clunky blocks in basically no space at all, sliding them in with the kind of deftness a valet uses when they stack park a dizzying number of vehicles into an improbably small lot.

My life is full: Of work, of friends, of love.

And sure, other obligations. Adulting. I own a home. Cook dinner. Do chores. True, I’m not great at vacuuming. I still don’t fully grasp what all the attachments are for, though I can recognize the edger tool. Still, I usually miss the corners. And I don’t think I’ve ever vacuumed the ceiling, which apparently I am supposed to be doing (oops).

Anyway, it’s a lot some days. And I’ll have moments where I’ll be fairly certain that if anything new comes into my life — no matter what stripe of animal, vegetable, mineral — I simply won’t have room for it.


Well, sometimes the perfect opportunity will basically fall on me from the sky. Just like when you’re playing Tetris, and you’re hopelessly buried, and one block will descend at just the right moment, slipping into the exact gap you have left. And instead of cluttering your screen and propelling you to doom, it’ll instead clear everything else up. Make it so you can relax and just breathe again.

It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it’s magical.

So yeah, I’m a busy person. But I haven’t quite given up on things sometimes just falling into place — even if it’s not on my schedule and I have to struggle on the way there.


This post is part of a series in which I answer each of the chapter-end questions in More than Two with an essay. For the entire list of questions and answers, please see this  indexed list.


PQ 13.2 — If I feel a desire to restrict relationships between my partners and their partners, what underlying need am I trying to meet?
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PQ Series
PQ 13.1 — How do I encourage decision-making participation by all my partners? In what ways do I show my partners they are empowered?
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PQ Series
PQ 12.11 — Do I feel safe opening my heart to someone who has given the power to end our relationship to someone else?
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PQ Series